Oh fuck i forgot about odst

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lately I have been shitting my mind in anticipation for Modern Warfare 2's arrival in just under a month. It's delicious FPS promises have my dreams dancing with multiplayer sugarplums. It has fill my mind and blanked all other upcoming releases.
Until I just realized Halo 3: ODST comes out in about a week and a half.


Watch this video and join me in Halo Fanboyism.

I don't care what any hater says Halo rules all. Halo has always ruled and I am seriously reconsidering my modern warfare two hype... condsidering if i even care at all anymore. Sure Trey Arch and Infinity ward have made titles that compete with Bungy's dominance and the greatness of Halo 3 but the thing is Modern Warfare and World at War both came out after Halo 3. Bungy hasn't answered their challenge.
To this day there are still things that the call of duty IP can't compete with when it comes to halo. No split screen Live Play. No smooth but end instead of a jenky knife that misses more than it hits but most of all nothing that comes close to a Wart Hog in sheer radness.

What could we be instore for. Will this grab any halo fans that might have fallen by the wayside with Halo Wars. I can't wait.

Sure this isn't really a stand alone title or an expansion pack its more like a halo 3.5 but really more halo story is all I need. Halo has the best campaign mode of any FPS it's untouchable. The multiplayer's only downbringing is its too hard because power nerds are too good and its just frustrating. This will be exactly what the doctor orders before i yet again play another uninteresting call of duty story mode.

I am and always will be a Halo Fanboy because they earned it time and time again.

Mass Effect and the obliteration of annoyance

Monday, September 7, 2009

I have touched on the matter of me already playing mass effect in the past. I had also divulged that I chose a wrong character build and as a result did not enjoy the game to it's fullest. I did however remember a vague sense of over all satisfaction from my experience and couldn't quite put my finger on why. Well today I got to a part in the game I had already been through once around and it was full of answers. But one in particular. It's also the title of this post: The obliteration of annoyance.

I got to a situation where a scientist upon orders of his employers had tested a spore on the people in his employ and had infected them with a mind controlling hive mind belonging to a giant sentient plant. As you might have guess the plan goes haywire and and the people go amok and everything gets screwy for a bit. The scientist is then ordered to wipe up mistakes and purge a whole colony to cover the mistakes.

All too often when the subject of catastrophe is covered in entertainment there is always that one dickhead character who either through negligence or direct sociopathic activities fucks everything up. You then get to be enraged that the douche bag gets to go live and usually slink away into the darkness with their tail between their legs. Well not Mass Effect My Friend. You show up and that turd gets got. That piece of shit annoyance doesn't get to go free, doesn't pass go they just effin die. Frontier justice, eye for an eye, black and white, no grey area death, thats what they get-fucking shot in the face obliterated.

Sure it seems wrong and even macabre to gun a being down in cold blood when they are trying to recant their evil deeds. Maybe they would have been better rehabilitating in a cell somewhere with only their thoughts and memories to haunt them and keep them company with constant reminders of the havoc they wreaked. Sure you know it's not really a viable alternative to evolved courtroom justice. Vigilantes are wrong you know this. You've learned this... but you still ache for it. Don't tell me it's wrong you can tell that to my maniacle laughter, pleasure and the video game souls of all the characters that garbage killed.

The moral of the story is that even though people have the ability to show great kindness and compassion and risk everything for the greater good there is also the other side of the coin: There will always be assholes who want to fuck everything up for everyone and shooting those people feels really really good.

Piddling around in mass effect

Sunday, September 6, 2009

There was a quote I read somewhere about journeying through life. It read something along the lines of "the quickest route between two points is a straight line". I think the over all ideal the person who wrote that quote was trying to say was some bullshit about tackling your dreams head on and not going about it in a round about way.
I have new quote for you "the quickest route between two points is anywhere you fucking drive in this amazing piece of machinery".

Alright it might not be the quickest but it is definitely the most bad-rad-ass way to go about it. For the record I have been on some snow covered planet trying to find a down spaceship with a clue on where to go with the story or some other thing like that. Suffice to say I gave up along time ago and am just getting sweet air.

funny romatic feelings in mass effect

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Far and away one of the best elements of mass effect is the stellar (snap) voice actors that are put to work in this game. Seth Green, mila kunitz which is kind of bad because she is the most annoying character in the game and has directly lowered her on the do-ability scale in real life, that guy from aliens who says "look into my eye" (no-one knows his name but we all agree he is fucking bad ass). And Deanna Troy who as little sci-fi whelps I am wagering we all had a wee crush on. We all were very green with envy as we imagine that fucking bearded number one with that confident smirk as she was giving him a hand job and reading his feelings. Well she is in Mass effect as some elderly female alien that had turned evil and is helping the main badguy. Funny thing is even though she's old and evil and you end up killing her... I want to do her a bit. I mean she has massive massive cleavage. You can almost see her nipples for christ sake.

she was even voted #12 most sexy video game milf on this blog
which is also where i linked the picture from because i am lazy.
This list must be riddled with nostalgia because On pure hotness i would have to bump her up a few slots myself.
Is it wrong that I find blue cleavage ever so titillating (snap again)

I'm replaying Mass Effect

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I never finished the game the first time i tried to play through. It's mostly because i chose a character build i didn't particularily like. The first time through i choose the vanguard who used a combination of biotics (magic) and weapons. I got sick of that character because I could only use pistols and shotguns and never really got into the magic. By the time I realized there was going to be no good weapons or armor available to me because of the character build I had made I was too far in to start over.

A combination of things has happened since then that brought me to replaying the game. The sequel looming on the horizon and the new DLC for Mass Effect one were pretty enticing. It has also been long enough that I can just start over and not be too bored with the game a second time through. I figure If i started now I might make it through before the sequel drops.

I built myself a soldier this time. All guns all the time and its awesome. All ready I am having a smoother funner experience than the first time through. I still hate how you have to take that loud mouth bitch in the white and pink suit with you. At least now that I am a gunner she can stay in the ship and talk to seth green (joker) while daddy goes and plays.

If your out in the Univers and you see a guy named Schteeve with a handlebar mustache stop by and say hi I've got badass weapons and i'm pretty rad.