Add ons and the mishaps therein

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If your familiar with what an add on is in a video game then you already know they are a brimming pot of awesomeness gold heralded by a rad leprechaun. If you don't know I'll explain it.

An add on is when a third party basically designs something to add to a game with a small downloadable file. They craft a piece of code to change the way your play the game usually by making it more convenient and simple. Or sometimes they just add something to make the game play more involved.

In mine craft Mike has downloaded a few of these that not only make the game easier but more interesting and in some ways hilarious.

Specifically there is an add on that has added an rpg aspect to you in game skills. You can level up your mining and eventually you will get two ore from digging one square. In dirt and sand you will find glowing dust which you can craft into light blocks.

I was well familiar with the previously stated skills. Well I should be since I've dug a million blocks or so and leveled up my mining to well past 200. Something has changed though. The last update to the game and add ons now has secondary skills on weapons and tools.

When you are holding an item you click the right mouse and it readies your skill and when you press left mouse it unleashes it. For instance if your using an arrow it makes a flame arrow that lights enemies on fire causing more damage. If your Mike and your using a sword and testing it on me it makes your sword deliver a wound that keeps causing damage after the initial strike. Then you keep getting hurt and Mike just stands and laughs at you and you die like a dog in the street.

More interesting than that though is what it happens when you ready your shovel. You'd expect something not entirely awesome because after all it's just your digging tool. Something magical does happen though. THE BEST DIGGING THEMED ANIME COMES TO LIFE BEFORE YOU VERY EYES. YOU ARE INFUSED WITH SPIRAL ENERGY AND YOU UNLEASH THE GIGA DRILL BREAKER and then well you dig a whole bunch really fast like.

If you don't know why I just freaked out then you are not familiar with Gurren Lagann and your missing out on one of the best digging themed anime every drawn.

If this is you, stop reading this, stop playing Minecraft stop whatever your doing and go get your grubby meat hooks on Gurren Lagann and watch it in full then come back. No I said stop reading.

Did you watch it? If no screw off and go watch it.

Ok now that you've watched the complete series of Gurren lagann I would first like to say your welcome. Yes it was beautiful and I know it changed your life with it's majesty. I do agree the fact that a Minecraft add on referenced this amazingness does make it the best add on in the history of add ons. Now lets just take a minute to have some yoga breathes and really really appreciate how splendid Gurren Lagann was.

Ok once your done crying about how beautiful life is go play mine craft some more and dig the shit out of everything.