so i started playing wow

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yeah its ruining my life. Its true when you hear about people talking about wow and you look sideways at them with disdain. I'm not going to tell you to stop doing that because really i am not trying to defend or condemn wow. Were all sick of that anywaw. I mean the game has been out for about 5 years and that has given everyone enough chance to fully cement their opinion of it and feel the need to share that opinion.

My opinion of the game is it is just like other action rpg games. Its all the regular stuff you would expect from one of those its just really really really really fucking long.I've been playing for about a week now roughly 18 hours and my highest level guy is 15. Yeah my highest level because as if the game isn't long enough you feel compelled to go through it with multiple characters. So you can try out all the stuff you can do in the game.

What this turns into basically is fetch quests... go here kill this bring me that. Its pretty annoying and if i hear "bring me so and so's head" I might have a redundancy stroke.

But the game does have its fun factors. It is an action rpg and to me thats really all it needs to be and if I get bored of running around going to a lake and killing murlocs to gather crystal pond frons well then i can just go fuck around.

Like making a macro to say this because my weapon is a shovel.
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