Two Worlds Brain Punch pt 3

Thursday, April 24, 2008

In fond cajoled loving never be the same again memory of The Best Horse I ever knew for 3 hours and 23 minutes

Spotty Mc Radson was a brave and valorful soul. I will miss him and our adventures.
Whether it was a magical ride along the beach to the end of the world, his running fearlessly down the face of a cliff or just standing out of the range of my axe while I killed zombie sea bandits Spotty was the fucking raddest horse ever.

Even though in our time together I was frustrated that spotty wouldn't walk in a straight line and turned by himself. I still loved him. Even though we were stuck on a mountain together for a large portion of that 3 hours and 23 minutes and I actually tried to kill him.. TWICE. I still loved him. He was so good to me I found out my axes would not hurt him that day. When I finally got fed up with the mountain and jumped down the cliff taking a third of life bar damage from the fall he was right there with me. Sure I had to whistle for him and then kinda run up the base of the cliff a bit and keep whistling for five minutes but he never let me down.

Whenever I would hop off old spotty and destroy a bandit camp he would wait for me. He would stand sniffing at the fresh meadow grass and let the wind caress his well defined muscular body while I would relentlessly murder heathen bandits with double axe smashes to the face and then pick over the charred remains taking their gold and any valuables. One time I thought he had had enough and gotten frightened. I was fighting a grizzly bear and 7 wolves and when i was done ripping off their claws and carving out their hearts he was seemingly no where to be found. I looked around panic rising in my heart, with my eyes going moist and a ball in my throat I was just about to break down in a wild whistling frenzy when I saw the most beautiful sight. Mc Radson's ass sticking out of a bush. Aparently he had run and hid. That well muscular horse ass with the sheen of a days ride upon it was a sight for wanting eyes.

Since Me and spotty had riddin to the end of the world and back north I patted his neck and told him we would head south to find us a rock dragon. Making plans to slay the dragon and chuckle to ourselves as we rifled through the corpse me and spotty were ambushed. Wyverns a whole pack of those filthy fucking bastards pincered us in some form of high intelligent goddamn world war 2 zero fighter move. I hoped off and patted spotty's firm ass and told him to go out of attack range whilst I was to be dealing with the vermin. As he turned I saw a giant gash in his side that he in his strong willed ignorant valor had hidden from me. The wyverns were upon us born of claw and tooth they sent Mc Radson out the way they came. In a fury I killed all of them without notice to the harm they inflicted to my new shiny plate mail. I am ashamed to admit that in my rage I cut your flesh Spotty.... like alot. I am also ashamed to admit that after you were vindicated and the bodies of your assasins lye strewn about turning that spring grass crimson with retribution and blood I kind of ate you.

I will always remember the time we spent together Spotty Mc Radson but now your free. Free to run forever, with your glorious body muscles taut as you run slow motion in front of me, strong neck held high holding your glorious majestic face into the wind and as you pass I watch the muscles in your hind quarters churn as they work to move you along.

Run free little one