no more mass effect

Friday, October 30, 2009

well as you may have noticed there have been no mass effect posts in a while. Mike's x-box red ringed and his hard drive had my save game on it.

Through happenstance and pure luck my brother roasted his hard drive but not his x-box so he bought a new one and gave me his old one after we got drunk and took it apart to figure out what was wrong. We were not able to fix it or actually put it back together properly. We didn't figure out it was the hard drive until the next day when we tried to put it on his new arcade. We are total tards. But i got an x-box again and i need some rpg crack to tide me over.

Even though Mass Effect is a very good game re-playing the first 2 hours makes me want to repeatedly hit myself in the mouth with my controller. Since i don't need my teeth anymore crooked I started playing lost odyssey again instead. That game is complete total awesome buuuut its complete total molasses awesome so i got bpred and switched to sacred 2.

I have a loot whore boner for that game and don't really see anything taking its spot as a rad time chewing rpg. Maybe border lands but that doesn't have armor and outfits quite like sacred. I can honestly say Sacred 2 is the best action RPG I've played since Champions of Norath. And even though Too Human was pretty fun the lack of variance in the items and how the bad guys all looked the same makes it a distant second.

If you feel like helping me out I and the Dryad that keeps dying trying to kill that shitty colossus.