Spirit and the Mummy

Thursday, May 29, 2008

dale: new mummy movie

dale: http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/themummytombofthedragonemperor/medium.html
mike: hahaha
dale: http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/thespirit/large.html
dale: also this looks like the worst body movement since aeon flux
dale: but it looks rad
mike: frank miller hmm
dale: watch the video its shows him running accross the roof and like almost falling
mike: hahaha yeah iwas just thinking that
mike: is he a hero or a clutz
mike: the spirit is a rad series though
dale: aparently
dale: i only care that it looks like sin city
dale: if they made the satc [Sex And The City] movie like that it would be so awesome
dale: hahahaa
dale: like all iconic and overly visually dramatic
dale: should i fuck that guy or that guy
mike: hahahaha
mike: dramatic camera pan
mike: silhouette against moon
dale: his like tie flapping in the wind
dale: mmm theres a piece of meat i can take advantage of
mike: opening scene is them walking down a moonlit cobblestone road, just their shadows
mike: he was young
young like the night

mike: frank miller is so good and yet so bad
mike: haha
dale: frank millers art is so fucking bad
mike: hahaha yeah
mike: like his his use of blacks and white outlines is amazing
mike: but the actual art
mike: is terrible
dale: like hey miller you done that comic yet
dale: oh yeha i forgot it in the car hold on SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE SCRIBLE
mike: hahaha
mike: yeah
mike: like this poster is awesome in that it's like an inverted normal piece of art

mike: then you look at it more and you realize it's pretty bad
dale: "frank this is terrible"
"its supposed to be its art"

dale: i downoaded the comic 300 and started reading it
dale: fucking terrible
mike: hahaha it's pretty bad
mike: honestly the art in that batman book i sent you fluctuates
mike: at times it's quite good
mike: at other times.......
dale: ok this is awesome

dale: never mind he did the story
dale: hahahaha
mike: he's a good writer
mike: his art just blows
mike: again
mike: super cool that he can do that
mike: it's like he has a black paper and is using a white pen
mike: which is really cool

dale: yeeeeeah your photoshop has invert too mike
mike: this is art dale
mike: haha
mike: it's hard to draw like that i mean
dale: i guess but he over does it
mike: yeah it's definitely his main artistic technique
dale: hey frank this comic is supposed to be during the day
dale: "its an eclipse"
mike: "there is no such thing as day"
mike: "there is only the night....IN MY CITY"
mike: i am dubious about the spirit so far
mike: if you had just the script in front of you
mike: would you not interpret that trailer as....batman
dale: except for the cats
mike: yeah
dale: nah batman doesn't really run hes just there
mike: i meant more his dialogue and the words
mike: SCRIPT
mike: haha
dale: haha
dale: no
dale: hes not a "this is my city"
dale: hero
dale: hes more like "justice finds you" hero
mike: batman??
mike: ok fair
mike: it depends on the version you are reading
dale: oh i don't read
mike: sometimes he is written like more about the city
dale: the comics
mike: i know
mike: i am enlightening you
dale: haha
mike: and by that i mean you probably don't care hawha
dale: ok
dale: oh you know who its like though
mike: no but sometimes he is super protective of gotham
dale: green arrow
mike: who
mike: green arrow is awesome
mike: but what impression of green arrow do you have?
dale: hes crazy my city
mike: that's true
mike: ok in that sense yeah for sure
dale: dear frank millers ties
you sure flap alot more than me
-signed a windsock
mike: hahaha
mike: "Dear Tie
stop poking me!!!"
Signed the Spirit's Eyes
dale: hahaha
dale: -dear animation staff
-signed frank miller
mike: hahahahaha
mike: rome's email are the best thing to ever happen to us
dale: pretty much
dale: dear frank miller
i got a fever and the only cure is more flap
-christopher walken
mike: "Dear Flap,
Frank Miller loves me more"
dale: hahahahaha
dale: "hey frank how much flap
"more than spawn"

mike: hahahah
dale: thats it this is a post
mike: damn we should have had yesterday's too then
mike: you need to explain the email thing
dale: haha people will get it
mike: "Dear Flap, even I think you are overused"
Signed Boom Outta Here

The email reference is in regards to Jim Rome's running gag of viewer feed back www.jimrome.com

Blizzard's Brilliant Bot Ban Bonanza

Friday, May 23, 2008

In WoW, the average player will probably be disrupted about once a day with a message from a gold seller. This will be a message offering to sell gold, items, leveling, even cheating programs and hacks, for real-life money. Apparently gold selling is an actual industry in China, according to whispers on the WoW forums telling of sweatshop-condition warehouses where starving children labour over hot LCD screens gathering gold pieces and desperately whoring their illicit goods to whoever will listen.

That bizarre and depressing thought aside, many gold sellers instead use botting programs, which are software programs that will automatically play the game for you. These programs can be very basic, such as telling your character to attack the nearest monster, collect the loot, then attack the nearest monster, etc. Others can be much more complex, essentially becoming basic programming. A moderately advanced botting program could have a slew of conditional reactions set up, like log out if someone whispers you more than once, wave at people who come near, fight back if someone attacks you - in other words, act more like a real person. One can clearly see why such programs would be helpful to people who are trying to get massive amounts of gold to resell for cash.

Blizzard has made it very clear that botting or other third-person software programs that play the game for you or automate the game are against their terms of service and are not allowed. However, people still do it. BUT NOT ANYMORE.

This week, Blizzard banned over 350,000 accounts for botting.

Coincidentally, the much-hyped Age of Conan MMO game was also released this week.

The forums are ablaze with people who used botting programs whining and complaining that the bans are unfair. "I only used it once" or "I just used it because leveling was getting boring" are some of the common excuses. Many are also resorting to angry retorts that WoW sucks and WoW players are losers, followed by vows to switch over to Age of Conan in retribution. I love these ones, where they're trying to convince themselves that they decided to leave the game instead of being kicked out. It's like the kid who gets fired for stealing from the cash register, only to angrily yell at his now-former boss "You can't fire me! Because I QUIT!!"

Not only are these complaints hilarious, but it's actually a brilliant move by Blizzard. They have a) purged hundreds of thousands of cheaters from their game, which makes for a better gaming experience for the legitimate players, and b) royally screwed over an upcoming competitor by sending said cheaters over to their door. If I was starting Age of Conan and immediately upon starting the game was pestered by hundreds of spammers trying to sell me gold and items, I would be extremely irritated.

I can just imagine the Age of Conan team upon learning of these bans.
"Okay guys, the game is launched, this is it! We're going to have the best game ever! It's going to have a solid fanbase, loyal players, quality fun, we'll be able to compete with World of Warcraft...what's that, what are you looking at?"
"Blizzard just banned 350,000 botters."
"The botters are mad."
"They're saying they're going to switch over to Age of Conan."
"Oh. Oh no. OH SHIT. Quick, close the registration page!"
"Too late. 100,000 people just signed up."
"Well, fuck."

Penny arcade stole ideas out of my brain

I feel like I am going to have to start wearing a hat fashioned out of tinfoil. Shiny side down of course.

The fresh new Xbox live arcade release of Penny Arcade's "On the Rain-slick precipice of darkness" is the one that I call home. Lately I have been getting pretty tired of turn based rpgs and was hoping that Lost Odyssey would cure me of the and it did for about 4.5 days. My main problem with them is I fall asleep. I like this new Penny Arcade game because I can stay awake... well that and they combined three of the best ideas for an rpg ever

For one reason or the other a lot of video games put me to sleep. It could be the middle of the day with the sun blinding me, directly burning my retinas and I still doze off. I blame the un-participation of turn based RPGs coupled with the repetitive ambient "soothing music". Sometimes the music is too much and is pretty much the reason why I quit playing Mass Effect the chime at the title screen was usually almost enough to get me drooling as the dreamworld beckoned to me.

I have always claimed that Mario RPG was one of my favorite games of all time for one simple reason if you hit the button right before you attack it made your attack more damaging and if you hit the button right before you were about to recieve an attack you would block. This sort of minimal added participation in the battle sequences is enough for me and the blocking part at least is present in Precipice from almost the get go.

Alright this should be almost enough to keep me from falling asleep. Reason two however is just as good. Going back in time over a decade I was witness to another amazing element to turn based RPG. Xenogears on PS1 had a combo system built into its attacks. The higher your level the longer and more damaging your combos were. These combos were preformed by a stream of buttons that had to be pressed in order. The makers were probably thinking if you can't go real time at least make a battle sequence real time within the turn based fighting system. On a side note you could also jump into a giant robot with crazy attacks involving lasers. Precipice doesn't have this. Well it has a giant robot but its bad it crushes your house. Thats why you start going through the game. Side side not highlight of game so far is after the robot crushed my house in the cut scene and I got control of my character for the first time I talked to a NPC directly to my left and his words were something to the effect of "HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT GIANT FUCKING ROBOT!" Ok fully awake now looks like this is going to be a good game and I will not regret the 1600 Microsoft points i spent on it.

Yeah thats right I did say three reasons don't worry I can count too. I just wanted to separate the third because I hadn't seen it in a game before but it is the one thing I have always wanted. A system to reward you for overkills. I have always loved getting a bad guy to the point of almost dying and then unleashing a giant attack on him and killing the fuck out of him to rub it in. Who knows why this feels so good... well actually I blame the wedgies in elementary school. Although the characters can't really feel it and it won't un rip all my underwear it still feels good. WAIT WAIT WAIT these gentleman scholars, these magnificent men, these glowing with radiant awesomeness punch woe in the face sexy bitches give you a reason to love overkills. There is an over kill meter and every-time you do it you get a permanent attack bonus. Yeah I jizzed to. For this reason alone I would have Gabe and Tycho's gay babies.

The one and only draw back to this game is there is no button for a fist bump or "ladies lift yer shirts"

WARNING: The PS3 now has no advantage over 360

Monday, May 12, 2008

the deek: GTA4 KILLED MAH PS3
dalebot: WHAT
the deek: it fucking killed that shit
the deek: i have to send it in under warranty
dalebot: FAG
dalebot: MY system is fine
the deek: FUCK YOU
the deek: i hope you get RROD tonight
dalebot: haha even if i do yours happened first
dalebot: but yeah that fucking sucks
the deek: fuck
the deek: no
the deek: the worst part
dalebot: were you playing it like a crazy long time
the deek: is that ashley threw out our original receipt like a dipshit
the deek: so we have to pay $20
the deek: yah for like 5 days straight haha
the deek: my life is devoid of all meaning for the next 2 weeks

Chopper Issues

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Click for full image.


Friday, May 2, 2008

[14:51] Demonika: he [boyfriend] just got GTA 4 and hasnt left hte couch since
[14:52] :| dalebot: I JUST GOT THAT LAST NIGHT
[14:52] Demonika: lol
[14:52] :| dalebot: thats what i was doing till 2am
[14:52] Demonika: he is like obsessed
[14:52] Demonika: he went and bought it at midnight when it came out like a huge nerd
[14:52] :| dalebot: oh dude you have no idea that game is going to be like the plague
[14:52] :| dalebot: every guy friend i have bought it
[14:52] :| dalebot: and is playing it non stop
[14:52] :| dalebot: there are going to be LIKE A BILLION IGNORED VAGINAS
[14:53] :| dalebot: my friend in van called in sick to play it
[14:53] :| dalebot: and i was like a sliver away from doing the same thing
[14:56] Demonika: LOOOOOL
[14:57] Demonika: i know he cant stop playing it
[14:57] :| dalebot: who could
[14:57] Demonika: and im like ARE YOUR TAXES DONE
[14:57] Demonika: LOL
[14:57] Demonika: like a naggy beeehotch
[14:57] :| dalebot: hahahaha and hes like THERES NO TAXES IN LIBERTY CITY


The new game in our console stable is the infamous Grand Theft Auto IV. I present to of our first night on the streets of Liberty City.

  • Approximate number of cars stolen: 125
  • Approximate number of cars destroyed: 115
  • Approximate number of cars driven into water: 5
  • Rivers successfully jumped: 1
  • Unsuccessful attempts at jumping river: 1
  • Number of helicopters destroyed: 8
  • Number of helicopters destroyed which then crashed on us, exploding and killing us both: 1
  • Boats launched up a dock and onto boardwalk: 1
  • Number of Swat Vans stolen: 1
  • Number of motorbikers destroyed by out-of-control Swat Van: 1
  • HOLY SHITS: 27
  • Buildings entered: 1
  • Buildings entered that weren't strip clubs: 0
  • Uncontrollable laughter and controller drop: 6
  • Times got huge air thus preceding to land upside down on motorbike 4
  • Cars launched off pile of debris into an oil refinery basement which then had to be discarded because there was no way to leave except on foot: 5
  • Times tried to drive car over dirt patch to jump instead careening out of control and giving up: 12
  • Times dove out of car then slid on belly under parked car glitched the game and died instantly: 1
  • Times dove out of car to break off streetlamp with head and survived: 1
  • Times played guess what's coming as one person hides behind rock and other goes and gets a random vehicle to jump over rock off cliff and into water only to have person behind rock shoot rocket launcher into bottom of firetruck as it passes overhead killing both players: 1