EGM is done

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Well Electronic Gaming Monthly is dead and I am filled with sadness, shame and regret. Here is the official press release that I found mirrored on "". I should probably learn how to do that hyperlink stuff one day. Aparently my child hood favorite game mag is going to be done after January 09. My favorite Videogame Podcast is in stasis until further notice and my second favorite video game podcast is the peddlar of dark news on this terrible day... actually Jan 6.

The Uncle Gamer podcast while doing a test live podcast mentioned that 1up digital assests were purchased by UGO. It was kind of skimmed over as a teaser for an upcoming 100th special podcast. I wanted to leave it till I knew it was more than a rumor. I didn't want to find out because garnet, shane and john with 1up yours had grown very dear to me. The still to be determined future of 1up yours is my sadness. I love their podcast and without it work will be well more worky. Fridays will now be just the start of the weekend and not game podcast day. Whats even worse that out of 73 1up employees 40 will be playing more video games in the near future. As in they were laid off. Really youshould go read the story at they have great coverage and even have a link to an interview the editor of UGO did with a MTV in which he comes off sounding like a giant prick in my opinion. But c'est la vie the depression has come and everyone everywhere is suffering in some way.

That explains my sadness but how could I feel shame if I had no actually affect on the whole situation? Well my answer is that I never really supported my favorite game mag. Even though I love magazines I never buy them because come on love is beautiful but 8 bucks is 8 bucks. I feel shame because I never in any manner let EGM know that they were rad. That I have poured over their pages since the Genesis of my gamerdom... get it see what I did there... the video game system named Genesis and the begining of my video gamerdom. Actually I started before Genesis but I digress. Now that the 20 year run is over its hard to think of theworld without it.

I feel regret as well as sadness and shame. Being a video game writer for EGM was a teenage dream of mine. It's one of the main reasons I went into Journalism in the first place. I regret I gave that goal up as a pipe dream. I convinced myself it was most likely impossible and now it really is impossible.

Goodbye EGM thanks for the memories.