
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Well it finally happened. My xbox has a critical error. Much to the rejoice of pee ess fanboys everywhere. I bet they can't wait to tell me all about the wrongness of my decision to purchase a 360 instead of their haloed a symmetrical monolith. Although the loudest one my best friend derek already fried his PS3s laser so at least I don't have to worry about him trying to claim that his hardware is superior.

I called customer support and aparently my xbox's warranty ran out last year. Which is a giant douche. But really I purchased my beauty from a pawn shop over a year and a half ago so i kinda saw something like this coming. That said I am still depressed and i feel very emotional right now. The only thing that could possibly console me right now is the fact that there are still XBOX in my household because each of my roomates also own one. I guess I could drop $400 bonez on a PS3 but that seems like a lot of money to blow on a console when I could just buy a new arcade for $200.

This couldn't have happened at a worse time because my gamer score is just shy of 10000 and with a good push a couple of games I could have been there. Well at least I can just recover my gamer tag and play on my roomates machine.


Drek said...