alex in prototype = 8 levels of douche

Monday, July 20, 2009

I know everyone is probably sick of the hype and talk behind prototype but there is one thing I am surprised never really got discussed and that is just how douchey the character design of alex is.

Ok heres the check list of douche

tight pants = emo slash metal heat douche

cowboy boots = cowboy douche

popped collar = obnoxious loud douche (Undershirt)

hoodie = dark misunderstood douche

secondpoppedcollar = nerdy underspoken douche (is that a sweater vest overtop of the hoodie)

sweater vest = pretentious learned douche

leather jacket = Tom Cruise from war of the worlds douche

Now i don't want to complain too much cause the game is pretty fun but what were they thinking. 8 douches make a right? Well ok I can live with that