Spirit and the Mummy

Thursday, May 29, 2008

dale: new mummy movie

dale: http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/themummytombofthedragonemperor/medium.html
mike: hahaha
dale: http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/thespirit/large.html
dale: also this looks like the worst body movement since aeon flux
dale: but it looks rad
mike: frank miller hmm
dale: watch the video its shows him running accross the roof and like almost falling
mike: hahaha yeah iwas just thinking that
mike: is he a hero or a clutz
mike: the spirit is a rad series though
dale: aparently
dale: i only care that it looks like sin city
dale: if they made the satc [Sex And The City] movie like that it would be so awesome
dale: hahahaa
dale: like all iconic and overly visually dramatic
dale: should i fuck that guy or that guy
mike: hahahaha
mike: dramatic camera pan
mike: silhouette against moon
dale: his like tie flapping in the wind
dale: mmm theres a piece of meat i can take advantage of
mike: opening scene is them walking down a moonlit cobblestone road, just their shadows
mike: he was young
young like the night

mike: frank miller is so good and yet so bad
mike: haha
dale: frank millers art is so fucking bad
mike: hahaha yeah
mike: like his his use of blacks and white outlines is amazing
mike: but the actual art
mike: is terrible
dale: like hey miller you done that comic yet
dale: oh yeha i forgot it in the car hold on SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE SCRIBLE
mike: hahaha
mike: yeah
mike: like this poster is awesome in that it's like an inverted normal piece of art

mike: then you look at it more and you realize it's pretty bad
dale: "frank this is terrible"
"its supposed to be its art"

dale: i downoaded the comic 300 and started reading it
dale: fucking terrible
mike: hahaha it's pretty bad
mike: honestly the art in that batman book i sent you fluctuates
mike: at times it's quite good
mike: at other times.......
dale: ok this is awesome

dale: never mind he did the story
dale: hahahaha
mike: he's a good writer
mike: his art just blows
mike: again
mike: super cool that he can do that
mike: it's like he has a black paper and is using a white pen
mike: which is really cool

dale: yeeeeeah your photoshop has invert too mike
mike: this is art dale
mike: haha
mike: it's hard to draw like that i mean
dale: i guess but he over does it
mike: yeah it's definitely his main artistic technique
dale: hey frank this comic is supposed to be during the day
dale: "its an eclipse"
mike: "there is no such thing as day"
mike: "there is only the night....IN MY CITY"
mike: i am dubious about the spirit so far
mike: if you had just the script in front of you
mike: would you not interpret that trailer as....batman
dale: except for the cats
mike: yeah
dale: nah batman doesn't really run hes just there
mike: i meant more his dialogue and the words
mike: SCRIPT
mike: haha
dale: haha
dale: no
dale: hes not a "this is my city"
dale: hero
dale: hes more like "justice finds you" hero
mike: batman??
mike: ok fair
mike: it depends on the version you are reading
dale: oh i don't read
mike: sometimes he is written like more about the city
dale: the comics
mike: i know
mike: i am enlightening you
dale: haha
mike: and by that i mean you probably don't care hawha
dale: ok
dale: oh you know who its like though
mike: no but sometimes he is super protective of gotham
dale: green arrow
mike: who
mike: green arrow is awesome
mike: but what impression of green arrow do you have?
dale: hes crazy my city
mike: that's true
mike: ok in that sense yeah for sure
dale: dear frank millers ties
you sure flap alot more than me
-signed a windsock
mike: hahaha
mike: "Dear Tie
stop poking me!!!"
Signed the Spirit's Eyes
dale: hahaha
dale: -dear animation staff
-signed frank miller
mike: hahahahaha
mike: rome's email are the best thing to ever happen to us
dale: pretty much
dale: dear frank miller
i got a fever and the only cure is more flap
-christopher walken
mike: "Dear Flap,
Frank Miller loves me more"
dale: hahahahaha
dale: "hey frank how much flap
"more than spawn"

mike: hahahah
dale: thats it this is a post
mike: damn we should have had yesterday's too then
mike: you need to explain the email thing
dale: haha people will get it
mike: "Dear Flap, even I think you are overused"
Signed Boom Outta Here

The email reference is in regards to Jim Rome's running gag of viewer feed back www.jimrome.com