I choose you xbox one

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Well it's that time again. Where fan boys and girls pick which of the big two systems they are going to not shut up about for the next six months.

Sometimes it seems like the quicker out of the gate your choice is made the more virulent you preachings will be as is the case with microsoft haters.

I call them haters because a lot of people made their choice in the never ending console war not because they favored one system but instead they decided who had their allegance by who they disliked less.

Sure the xbox one's "always connected" was a disasterous idea and even a common simpleton had to know it would be redacted. It has been redacted almostnimmediately after the xbox one's anouncement. Yes nerds your river of tears at e3 lubricated the decision your cries were heard and now you only have to log on to the internet once a day.

You know what the internet is right? That thing you've had the other end of your umbilical cord hooked up to for the past five years? The thing that only a terrorist would dare ask you to be forced to be in contact with. Those fucking monsters. They did fix it right so are we going to call xbox and say we're sorry?

You're still going to buy a playstation aren't you.

I don't want to pretend to be better than the internet policy alarmists because when it boils down to it i am a xbox fanboy. Have been since i fought the flood in the library of the original Halo and guess what i most likely always will be. In kind, right out of the gate i'm against the ps4.

I hate the dual shock controllers and have never understood how anyone's hands could possible hold those in any semblance of comfort. Sure they are a  servicible cintroller and could be worse. They could be made of barb wire.

Xbox has always had more comfortable ergonomic controllers. Even the first xbox giant controllers were at home in my hands. I like em big. I rest my hands in my lap so the weight of a turgid interface has never been a factor for me. You can talk up and down about games and performance and connectivity issues but if i don't like the controller my whole experience will be tainted by the figurative thorn in my paw.

Since i brought up games lets talk about platform exclusive titles. Actually lets talk about one game. My most anticipated next experience.

Dead rising is my favorite ongoing series. Better than halo, gta, uncharted, god of war, assasins creed, gran turismo, call of duty, battlefield and every other current cannon i haven't mentioned.

At this point i really shouldn't have to explain dead rising to you. If you haven't played it before it is a openworld hack and slash time sensitive action rpg made by Capcom.

The first game was set in a mall. The second installment was based in a vegas-like casino village. Dead rising 3 is set in an entire city that is probably L.A.-ish. Although the thought of trying to memorize an entire city is pretty intimidating the zombie massacre that awaits with a plethora of weapons makes it more than worth the hassle.

There are new combo weapons including A HAND GRENADE SLEDGEHAMMER.

How would that work you ask? Well it's simple you find an in game work bench and if you have a sledgehammer and hand grenades in your inventory YOU TAPE THE GRENADES TO THE SLEDGEHAMMER.

Is anyone else hard right now?

Really that's the reason i am going to buy an xbox one for a hundred extra dollars over the ps4. An exploding hammer. It's unrealistic, cheesy, immature and guaranteed fun as fuck.

When i play games i don't want realistic and evolved. I want rediculous over the top. I have no problem admitting i'm the lowest common denominator.

I want to feel like a little boy smashing dinky cars with a baseball bat. I will settle for smashing zombies with a grenade hammer.