I like loot

Friday, August 9, 2013

When I play an RPG my priorties are in descending order are: loot, fighting mechanics, character skills, level design, graphics and last and most certainly least, story.

Don't get me wrong I love a good story but I'm going to be honest I don't pay attention to said story. Really I only talk to NPCs so they can give me clues on where to find the treasure or who to shoot to get treasure. Sometimes they tell me how to advance the story but this is only an indirect tactic that leads me to more booty.

The reason I listed fighting mechanics as my number two priority is the game should be fun to play. After all getting my precious loot shouldn't be a chore... although if the price is right i will probably put up with some terrible mechanics just to get more shiny baubles. This would be the only reason I briefly put up with Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom. Really the only reason any of you would have played that game is it was one of the first Action RPGs for the xbox 360 and when it came out we were starved for anything in that genre. 

The terrible combat basically came down to awkward button layout which meant you had to stand still to fire your ranged weapon. Which is fine if you have a powerful enough weapon that obliterates enemies before they get a chance to reach you. If however you are employing my go to shoot while running backwards away from the bad-guy-you-were-supposed-to-level-up-a-bunch-more-instead-of-fighting-and-dying-repeatedly then this "stop and pop" style of shooting breaks your brain with rage. 

If this nearly 6 year old game is so terrible why am i talking about it you might ask? Well loot, that's why. KUF: Circle of Doom had one unmistakably amazing thing about it: you could combine your weapons with each other in a form of alchemy to make new weapons. Basically grab a shit ton of crap weapons and you might make one good weapon. Really it combined my two favorite things about loot new shiny stuff and cleaning out my inventory of the old not so shiny anymore stuff.

There's two types of loot whores. 1. Hoarders who compulsively collect all the loot they can and then try to store as much of it as they can for what ever reason. 2. Destroyers who collect loot take what they want and get rid of the rest. I am a destroyer I collect everything, EVERYTHING but i sell anything I don't need so that I can buy stuff I do need. When my inventory is full and there is still stuff to collect i purge my inventory of the least valuable items and then pick up the stuff that is worth more. The best game that is currently tickling my treasure needing nubs is Borderlands 2.

Some of you might try to say that diablo 3 is better for loot than Borderlands 2 and you are wrong. Blizzard uses the tactic of a carrot on a really long stick but their stick is much to long and labor intensive. You can get a lot of good items but it takes forever and you have to beat hordes of epic bad guys to charge up your loot drop meter and then fight bosses on the games hardest difficulty in the hope that you won't have to play through the entire game again just to try find a new sword or piece of clothing. Once you get your new trinket it probably will look stupid so you want to do the whole process over again. Can't have your guy looking like a mish mash now can we. 

Borderlands 2 doesn't have swords or clothing drops, it has guns, a fuck ton of guns. So many guns that you can't even open a port a potty without four of those beauties showering down on your face and neck area. The game goes to such an extent to ensure your happiness and is so nice to you it even lets you check all the stats of the loot before you pick it up. 2K and gearbox are such kind game developers they don't even want you to bother filling up your item slots with trash. It's like their carrot is on such a short stick that you can smell it and rub it on your lips before you decide if you want to chase it. You see Blizzard, that is how a gentleman pilfers.