I'm replaying Mass Effect

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I never finished the game the first time i tried to play through. It's mostly because i chose a character build i didn't particularily like. The first time through i choose the vanguard who used a combination of biotics (magic) and weapons. I got sick of that character because I could only use pistols and shotguns and never really got into the magic. By the time I realized there was going to be no good weapons or armor available to me because of the character build I had made I was too far in to start over.

A combination of things has happened since then that brought me to replaying the game. The sequel looming on the horizon and the new DLC for Mass Effect one were pretty enticing. It has also been long enough that I can just start over and not be too bored with the game a second time through. I figure If i started now I might make it through before the sequel drops.

I built myself a soldier this time. All guns all the time and its awesome. All ready I am having a smoother funner experience than the first time through. I still hate how you have to take that loud mouth bitch in the white and pink suit with you. At least now that I am a gunner she can stay in the ship and talk to seth green (joker) while daddy goes and plays.

If your out in the Univers and you see a guy named Schteeve with a handlebar mustache stop by and say hi I've got badass weapons and i'm pretty rad.