Oh fuck i forgot about odst

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lately I have been shitting my mind in anticipation for Modern Warfare 2's arrival in just under a month. It's delicious FPS promises have my dreams dancing with multiplayer sugarplums. It has fill my mind and blanked all other upcoming releases.
Until I just realized Halo 3: ODST comes out in about a week and a half.


Watch this video and join me in Halo Fanboyism.

I don't care what any hater says Halo rules all. Halo has always ruled and I am seriously reconsidering my modern warfare two hype... condsidering if i even care at all anymore. Sure Trey Arch and Infinity ward have made titles that compete with Bungy's dominance and the greatness of Halo 3 but the thing is Modern Warfare and World at War both came out after Halo 3. Bungy hasn't answered their challenge.
To this day there are still things that the call of duty IP can't compete with when it comes to halo. No split screen Live Play. No smooth but end instead of a jenky knife that misses more than it hits but most of all nothing that comes close to a Wart Hog in sheer radness.

What could we be instore for. Will this grab any halo fans that might have fallen by the wayside with Halo Wars. I can't wait.

Sure this isn't really a stand alone title or an expansion pack its more like a halo 3.5 but really more halo story is all I need. Halo has the best campaign mode of any FPS it's untouchable. The multiplayer's only downbringing is its too hard because power nerds are too good and its just frustrating. This will be exactly what the doctor orders before i yet again play another uninteresting call of duty story mode.

I am and always will be a Halo Fanboy because they earned it time and time again.