The Revenge

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The background: See "the run over" below.

The setting: Dale and Mike are playing co-op campaign mode in Halo 3, Dale as Master Chief, Mike as the Arbiter or whatever (the alien dude).

We're playing through a level which takes place on this weird spaceship crash site which happens to be on the edge of a huge cliff. I had been using the energy sword but had just ditched it in favor of the Mega Smash Hammer. We're stuck and can't figure out where to go so Dale tries to jump up to what looks like a path, only to slide down the rubble and plummet over the cliff edge. To our surprise, he survives because he lands on this tiny, thin metal rail sticking out of the wall like 50 feet down.

Mike: (drops down silently behind Dale)

The rest pretty much speaks for itself. (click pics for higher-res images)

As funny as this was (and it was damn funny) it got even better. Apparently Halo 3 respawns you in co-op mode next to your partner. Which is normally fine, but in this case Dale ended up materializing next to me...which was 5 feet to the side and in mid-air. So he would respawn and immediately again fall to his death. Just awesome.


dale said...

resorting to photoshoping screen shots... we need lives on ahigh note you can totally see whats going on