Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yesterday my brother and I decided to level up one of my lower-level characters in WOW, so he could get the next rank of the Enchanting profession which would help us all. We figured that my brother's higher level character (level 47 or something like that) could just accompany my level 22 mage into a low-level area, slaughter everything around, and my mage could finish a billion quests in 10 minutes. Well things didn't work out quite so smoothly.

We went to an area called Tarren Mill and I picked up about ten quests, which were all "go kill X of this thing" or "get X of this item" which you could only get by killing certain things. So we headed into the field looking to kill gray bears, mountain lions, farmers, peasants, spiders, councilmen, a blacksmith, blacksmith's assistants, a sheriff, and a miner. Basically everything that moved. Since we are in the same house we didn't have to text chat or voice chat to communicate, we just yelled back and forth from adjacent rooms.

Well what we quickly discovered is that since my brother's paladin was so much higher level than the area is meant for, the enemies would ignore him as he ran by. However, since I was low level they had no trouble seeing me and would start chewing my face off as I tried to follow him.

What this meant was about every thirty seconds it was like:



"Bear!! Help!"




I died about a dozen times, but eventually we finished up and headed back to town with a pile of bear claws, spider venom, HUMAN SKULLS FROM FARMERS/PEASANTS, and a shipment of iron.

Then my brother went up to get a drink and our dad says "Tell him to shut up about those stupid bears!"